Style – Choose between 4 preset styles;
Animation – Choose between 14 preset animation effects;
Custom CSS Class – Type your own unique class name for the item – this is a useful option for those who want to create a specific style.
For example, you can type custom-style class and then go to Theme options -> General Options -> Custom CSS / JS -> Custom CSS and write your own CSS code with this class to get your own style;
Tours style – Customize tours to make them suit the style of your site. Select the border color and background, the hover colors for the active and inactive tours;
Autorotate – Allows you to enable the automatic tabs rotation, you can choose the recurrence of tours rotation in seconds;
Section width – Select the width for the tour sections;
Active section – Set which section should be active on page load;
Title style – Select the title font size and color for the active and inactive tours. You can also set the hover title color and its alignment;
Icon style – Customize the icon for the tour. Set the idle and hover color for the icon, set the size. The icon of the active tour can be customized separately;
Separator line under content – Allows you to enable or disable the separator line under tour’s content;
Separator color – Choose the separator line color;
Pagination – Allows you to enable the pagination dots for your tours;
Design options – Allows you to add paddings, margins and border for the shortcode. You can add the custom image as the background for the shortcode.