Style – Choose between 3 preset styles;
Title – Add the title for your pricing table;
Subtitle – Add the subtitle for your pricing table;
Currency symbol – Insert currency symbol you would like beside your price;
Price – Set the price for your offer;
Recurring Fee – Indicate the recurring payment for your offer (i.e. monthly, annual);
Animation – Select among 14 appear effects;
Custom CSS Class – Type your own unique class name for the item – this is a useful option for those who want to create a specific style.
For example, you can type custom-style class and then go to Theme options -> General Options -> Custom CSS / JS -> Custom CSS and write your own CSS code with this class to get your own style;
Top icon – Add the icon, text or image at the top of your pricing table. Set the icon size and color;
Content – Add the content text for your pricing table;
Features – Allows you to add the list with the description for your offer. Select among 4 feature types, add the feature text and icon;
Button – Allows you to add button text and link;
Button style – Customize the button text, background and border. Select the border radius and hover colors;
Label – Add the label to the pricing table, set the color, background color and border radius;
Typography – Select letter spacing, font size, line height and text color. You can also choose the custom font family for the title;
General styles – Set the general border width, border radius and color. Choose the background colors for the content and features;
Content delimiter style – Choose the delimiter style and color;
Price styles – Allows you to set the size, letter spacing and color for currency symbol, price and recurring fee;
Features style – Choose the features delimiter style and its color, set the icon size and icon color.